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Custom Dock 6

We profile custom dock design 6 to show the importance of engaging with the pre-design process and understanding all the variables before starting the design process.  Had the client followed our process and completed pre-design questionnaires, especially the question about what they thought their budget would be, we could have saved many cycles and the client would have had an efficient process.  The question about budget is a safe one with Rendering Services, but due to a builder already being involved, our client did not disclose their true budget and it cost everyone in the process.

Had the process been followed, this client would have been eyes wide open to the impact of the design, much less the monetary feasibility of building what they wanted… This client came to us from a builder that assumed that they knew what the end client wanted and provided us minimal constraints other than those inherent in the shoreline location. For the design, we were asked to provide for the capacity of certain watercraft on a floating dock, fixed boat lift and a living area under roof or even possibly under an upper deck, storage was requested with an enclosure.

The client was sent back the questionnaire completed from what the builder had documented and asked to confirm the answers provided by the builder, but also to complete sections that had not been completed… including their BUDGET! An email was received that the answers were as much as they could confirm AND that they were excited to see what we came up with.  

This resulted in what we came up with exhibited as the BEFORE, which was not at all what they could afford, much less what they were willing to have impact their waterfront and their neighbors' views out of their cove.  

The success here is that they got to see the design for their wants and needs in 3D and look at it from every angle and picture it at their waterfront, but they also were able to receive a full quote from the builder that was excessively outside the budget they had. So, time spent and lessons learned…  And why we profile this beautiful dock(s)


Because we were able to dial the design back, keep the location and most of the foundation outline of the dock, it was just a matter of stripping components out of their design and providing it back to them in a portfolio format that allowed them to realize a design that was what they needed, nothing more and in line with their budget for their dock. There was a scope change charge, but very reasonable for the extra effort put in by us. In the end, the client put their project on hold awaiting some other economic situations to come to fruition, but they have a design and a scope of work with which to move forward when they can.

The pictures provided show the original design provided (BEFORE) along with their final design (AFTER).


Lake Norman of the Catawba


Client put project on hold

Surface area over water

Original plan 994. Final design 799 with an additional 150 sqft of deck over land.

Special features

Easily accessible living area at shoreline elevated above water level to provide for views out to water and importantly not block neighbors views out of cove.  Fixed boat lift within floating slip and double PWC floats attached to floating dock.  Guest mooring area on back cove section of floating dock.  Safety gate at access to floating dock from shore as well as full safety railing around the sitting area.  Flip up ladder at side of floating dock with clear footpath off end of area for accessing water (kids jumping off end of dock). Stairs from the sitting area to the water's edge to allow the ability to walk out of water to the deck.


Rendering Services, LLC

Proudly based in Lake Norman, North Carolina
© Copyright 2023 Rendering Services, LLC

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